Classes in Greywater and Rainwater Harvesting Basics, Site Assessment and Water Wise Landscape Maintenance

Recap of services previoulsy offered through Sweetwater Collaborative:

The purpose of the classes was to give basic information about greywater reuse, rainwater harvesting in the soil or tanks, how to assess a site for the potential of becoming more water wise, and how to take care of a water wise landscape once you have put it in.

Classes were geared to the general public. Anyone was welcome. Suggested donation: $10/person or $15/couple; howver, no one was turned away for lack of funds. We invited participants to come with questions about their specific projects or proposed projects, so that we could have real life examples of the principles and practices behind these sustainable systems. Classes on each topic currently met for an hour and a half once a quarter.

We requested that homeowners attend at least one 101 class before or after hosting a workshop at their residence, and that workshop volunteers also attend these classes to get their general questions answered about such systems, so that the hands-on workshops could truly be learning through doing. However, interested parties unaffiliated with hands-on workshops were also encouraged to attend and had plenty to learn from the material presented--particularly do-it-yourselfers who wanted to implement such projects on their own.

In fall 2020 and spring 2021, we presented our 101 classes as webinars, and you can find links to those recordings under the Learn tab on the main menu.