Impact Hub Native Garden Planting, December 2017

Sweetwater teamed up with Impact Hub Funk Zone to put a native garden along a strip of land next to the back parking lot of Impact Hub in the Funk Zone. We worked to find native plants that would be showy, attract pollinators, and fit nicely in a narrow space. We are jazzed with the result and look forward to seeing the plants grow over the years to come.

It was a simple and elegant design- with Manzanita Howard McMinn as a centerpiece, flanked by CA native rushes, CA fuschias, a native succulent- Chalk Dudleya, ad a lone monkeyflower.

Come by and see the garden grow! 10 W. Yanonali, in the back.

The planting has begun
The planting has begun
and continues...
and continues...
and continues...
and continues...
Time to take a break
Time to take a break
A simple and elegant design
A simple and elegant design
Just imagine the Manzanita rising majestically in front of that wall
Just imagine the Manzanita rising majestically in front of that wall